Set environment variables in Linux
When you input a command, the system will search the executable file in the directories specified by the environment variable PATH
. If there are multiple directories containing the target file (e.g., multiple versions of the same software), the file in the directory with the highest priority will be executed.
Check existed environment variables
echo $PATH
You can find that
is a list of paths separated by:
. -
Add environment variables temporarily
export PATH=/dir/you/want/to/add:$PATH
Add environment variables permanently
Add the command
export PATH=/dir/you/want/to/add:$PATH
, then restart the shell orsource ~/.bashrc
. -
Add/modify environment variables in conda (reference)
# set env vars `my_var` as `value` conda env config vars set my_var=value # check env vars in this env conda env config vars list # unset env vars in this env conda env config vars unset my_var -n test-env
use conda env in bash
# check the module name of miniconda/anaconda module load miniconda/3 source activate <env-name> # or # conda activate <env-name>
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